Political Grief

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Grief can best be understood as a response to loss. When we lose in a ball game or play a game online, we grieve for our loss and wonder what could’ve happened differently. The realm of politics is no different. The 2016 and 2020 elections were a rollercoaster of emotions for many, and a tidal…

Parenting is Hard

Commercials, social media, and bloggers often paint parenting to be the epitome of joy. The pride that comes with watching your child be the lead in a school play, seeing their excitement on Christmas morning, and making memories that last forever on family vacations. Research shows, however (and several fellow parents can vouch for it),…

Mental Health and First Responders

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]First responders are often subject to extremely traumatizing experiences. These experiences tie in with excessively long hours and swift decision-making can do a number on the mental health of any police officer, firefighter, or emergency medical tech. Despite most first responders believing a healthy mental state is critical to success on the job, many first…